Our Objectives

To utilise our professional affiliations to create the very finest woodlands and restore the most ecologically rich peatlands, matching environmentally-conscious companies with like-minded landowners and individuals to help us all on our journey to achieve net zero.

A Force for Universal Good

Our work is a force for universal good, helping share the benefits of nature right across our communities, our countryside, and our society.

We want everyone involved in woodland creation and peatland restoration, from landowners to companies to individuals, to reap the wide-ranging rewards that go hand in hand with carefully designed, skilfully implemented and professionally managed environmental projects.

Healthy woodlands and thriving peatlands absorb the carbon we emit and shelter a rich and diverse wealth of wildlife. These qualities help companies reduce the impact of their carbon emissions. Wholesome woodlands and peatlands benefit landowners selling their carbon units, add value to their properties and provide space for us all to truly appreciate nature.

Maximising the Benefits for Everyone

CarbonStore is determined to set the highest industry standards when generating carbon units through woodland creation and peatland restoration. Our ethos means we work to provide the very best open, honest and transparent service in all that we do. The goals we have set ourselves include:

  • CarbonStore’s woodland and peatland projects will be implemented and managed to Tilhill’s industry-leading standards.
  • We will adhere to the highest standards of the UK’s Woodland and Peatland Carbon Codes.
  • We will nurture fruitful, positive, and mutually supportive long-term relationships between companies and landowners.
  • We want to facilitate the process whereby landowners and companies agree a fair market price for carbon units, based on transparency and openness. CarbonStore will help landowners realise the full benefits of their environmental projects.
  • We will help companies maximise the benefits of the projects which their funding has helped to deliver.
  • We will help simplify the complex processes of validation and verification necessary with the Woodland and Peatland Carbon Codes.


Enquire about a Project

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01786 649387

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Pending Issuance Unit: A promise to deliver a Woodland Carbon Unit during a given period, based on the trees’ predicted growth Woodland Carbon Unit: A ton of carbon dioxide which has been sequestered in a scheme verified under the Woodland Carbon Code