Tilhill leads the forest industry. The cumulative experience and aggregate knowledge of their forest managers is unmatched in the UK. They comprise a skilled and professional team, operating from a network of offices across the UK providing a service in all aspects of forestry management, with particular expertise in woodland creation and peatland restoration, of any scale and in any location.

Whatever a forest or woodland owner’s objectives for their property entails, Tilhill is ideally placed to fulfil those requirements to the most professional of standards.
We have been in the forest management industry for over 70 years. The first plantations we created have been managed, harvested and then replanted again utilising all the skills and experience we have built up over the years.
People are the centre of our business. Some of our senior staff have been with us for as long as at least one full commercial crop rotation and really do reap what they have sown. Our graduates on the other hand, are, right now, planning and planting their first forests for the future.
Trees are also at the heart of Tilhill. We help to purchase forests and woodlands, we design, plant, protect and maintain them, provide the engineering skills to access the timber contained within them then harvest for the best quality timber which we market to achieve the best price for our customers.
As an overlay to this work, we are also skilled at advising on and acquiring funding, as well as using the most up-to-date technology to survey and map the forests and woodlands. The integrity of the environment and the safety of our staff, contractors and the public is uppermost in everything we do.