We help your organisation to neutralise its emissions and make a long-term commitment to your climate change goals through the highest standards of woodland creation and peatland restoration.

Offsetting your Residual Carbon
CarbonStore works in partnership with Tilhill, the leading UK forestry company. We are also partnered with Maelor Forest Nurseries, the UK’s most progressive tree producer. Together, we cultivate the finest trees. We sow the seeds, plant the trees and tend their growth so that they realise their greatest potential. Since 1948, we have planted 1 billion trees – and we’re still counting…
Benefiting Society through Environmental Restoration
The benefits of woodland creation and peatland restoration extend well beyond mitigating climate change and we are here to help you maximise them. From supporting national charities to assisting local schools and neighbouring communities, we will help you share the benefits of your environmental enhancement project as widely as possible.
We can guide you every step of the way to:
Select Your Project
- Decide on the individual aspects of your scheme.
- Find the project which best matches your needs.
- Contact us to discuss the next steps.
Collaborate with the Landowner
- We help you develop your project ideas.
- We facilitate discussions with the landowner.
- We help with the legal agreements.
Finalise the Transaction
- We guide you to exchange carbon units.
- We organise the allocation of the units to your account.
- You then have legal rights to promote your carbon story.
Share the Benefits
- We help you share the benefits of your new project.
- We can arrange educational tours with our professional foresters.
- We are perfectly placed to organise planting days to showcase your project.
Frequently Asked Questions
The development of the Woodland and Peatland Carbon Codes should be forces for universal good, bringing huge benefits for you, for the countryside, for people living in our towns and cities and for our environment. However, these rewards will only be realised if the codes are implemented properly.
Prices for carbon must be fair and reasonable. Woodlands must be planted and managed by skilled and qualified operators so that the trees grow strong and healthily. Peatlands must be delicately rejuvenated to maximise the potential they afford. We must help people appreciate and enjoy all that our woodlands, our peat bogs, our nature, and our countryside can offer. Everyone, including CarbonStore, will benefit when we achieve these goals. Our interests are the same as yours.
The “Carbon Opportunities” page on our website provides a comprehensive list of woodland creation and peatland restoration projects with carbon units available for sale. Each project varies in size, location, biodiversity characteristics, species mix, access rights and price.
Companies purchasing carbon units have different requirements. The range and variety of “Carbon Opportunities” enables you to select the scheme which best fits your needs. CarbonStore and Tilhill have wide-ranging contacts among private and public sector landowners who use our website to advertise their carbon-related projects.
We operate a wholly transparent sales process allowing companies and landowners to agree a mutually acceptable price for carbon units. CarbonStore is directly involved with large numbers of transactions of all types across the UK. We therefore have an unrivalled ability to provide you with valuable advice regarding a fair price for carbon units.
CarbonStore’s partnership with Tilhill and Maelor ensures that all our carbon-related schemes are managed to industry-leading standards. Tilhill is the UK’s largest forest manager with the greatest number of chartered foresters on its payroll of any organisation. The quality and resilience of trees from Maelor Forest Nurseries is unsurpassed in the UK.
As a result, CarbonStore’s schemes are planted by the industry’s leading forestry company with trees from the UK’s most technically advanced nursery or restored with the knowledge and experience of a professional ecologist. They are then managed by a team with the largest pool of forestry-related knowledge in the UK. Our credentials for high standards are unrivalled.
We believe strongly that the benefits of woodland creation and peatland restoration stretch far beyond alleviating our carbon emissions and we are particularly keen to help you maximise these. Accordingly, we can introduce you to a broad range of charities who would greatly appreciate your help and provide valuable advice on, for example, helping disabled people or school children to enjoy the environment which you have helped to create.
Tilhill’s managers have all the knowledge and experience needed to explain about the wildlife within your project area; what they eat, where they live and how they survive. We could help you capture photos or video footage of these birds and animals in their daily lives. Above all, we want to help you share the benefits of the environment which you have helped create so that they benefit as many people as possible.
For more information on CarbonStore and how we can help you, just get in touch