Guiding you through and assisting you in your ambitions to reduce your personal carbon footprint, whilst improving the environment and enhancing our wildlife.

If you have found us here at CarbonStore then you will most likely already be highly engaged with the facts surrounding the impact which the carbon you generate, from living your life, has on the climate.
You are also no doubt aware of the ways in which you can mitigate your carbon footprint, be this by an alteration to your lifestyle choices, by planting trees, or a combination of these options and more.
So, whether it’s hazels or hawthorns, Devon or Dumfries, peatland or wetland, if you have chosen to explore the many benefits trees and peat can bring then CarbonStore is here to help you. We will guide you through every aspect of tree planting or peatland restoration as your chosen way of helping neutralise your carbon emissions.
Why CarbonStore?
Together with our partners, Tilhill and Maelor Forest Nurseries Ltd, we provide unique, end-to-end, first-class suite of professional services in all types of land management. We deliver woodland creation schemes to the very highest of standards and we restore damaged and degraded peatlands back to their best possible condition, enabling you to gain the greatest value that a land asset can bring.
Tilhill, is the UK’s leading forest management company, and Maelor Forest Nurseries is the UK’s most progressive commercial tree producer. Together they provide a full range of services to suit the needs of anyone wanting to utilise trees to help offset their carbon emissions.
With Maelor’s extensive research into tree genetics, in order to help our woodlands gain resilience to climate change, combined with Tilhill’s longevity of experience and professionalism in woodland creation and peatland restoration, we create the very best of natural environments.
Your Next Steps
Just give us a call on 01786 649387 and we can explore together the options available to you. We would love to be a part of planting your first tree in the ground to begin the process of capturing your carbon.
For more information on CarbonStore and how we can help you, just get in touch