Woodland Creation and Peatland Restoration for a Cleaner, Greener, Low Carbon Economy.

Why Offset Your Residual Carbon Emissions with Us?

We are unique. We unite landowners and environmentally conscious organisations to help offset their carbon emissions by creating new woodlands and restoring degraded peatlands right across the UK. An end-to-end service that absorbs CO₂, helps protect our environment and enhances our countryside.

Our Services


We help your organisation to neutralise its emissions and make a long-term commitment to your climate change goals through the highest standards of woodland creation and peatland restoration.

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CarbonStore sells your woodland and peatland carbon at a fair price to the right company allowing you to earn an income from your natural capital while helping others achieve their net zero goals.

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Guiding you through and assisting you in your ambitions to reduce your personal carbon footprint, whilst improving the environment and enhancing our wildlife.

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CarbonStore Credentials

  • Knowledgeable, trustworthy, honest, and transparent
  • Mutually fair prices for landowners and companies alike
  • Industry-leading standards of woodland creation and peatland restoration through our unique affiliations
  • Strong partnerships in all that we do
  • Harmoniously marrying the desires of companies with the wishes of landowners

Our latest Carbon Opportunities

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6,800 tonnes of CO₂e

Adstockfields Farm

A 22 hectare broadleaf woodland planted on a family farm for diversification, biodiversity and habitat creation, , community access and carbon sequestration in Buckinghamshire, England.

  • 22 Hectares at Adstockfields Farm, Buckingham
  • More than 46,000 trees were planted across three compartments on the farm.
  • The aim is to diversify the farmland through incorporating mixed broadleaf tree species alongside the existing farm business.
  • The farmer’s objectives are to diversify the business through incorporating woodlands onto the family run farm.
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8,536 tonnes of CO₂e

Scottish Borders

Selco Builders Warehouse purchased the carbon credits generated by the project. As part of their sustainability journey Selco is addressing their carbon footprint through a variety of projects to be more environmentally friendly, particularly in relation to their transport system.

  • 43.16 ha
  • The project has planted over 100,000 trees across 43 hectares.
  • 8,563 tonnes of carbon over the next 100 years.
  • A broad mix of tree species that will grow a valuable crop of timber while also improving the site's ecology.
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17,486 tonnes of CO₂e


Situated in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park, this ambitious project will use wholly natural and organic processes to enhance and expand Scotland’s ancient Caledonian Forest.

  • 170 hectares in the Cairngorms National Park
  • Within the North Rothiemurchus Pinewoods SSSI and the Cairngorms Special Area of Conservation
  • Aim is to expand the ancient pinewoods and develop a thriving wildlife habitat
  • Proceeds used to implement environmental improvements across their in-hand farm
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9,412 tonnes of CO₂e


A 27 hectare mixed broadleaf woodland, 50 miles north of central London in the Hertfordshire countryside. The woodland is expected to capture 9,412 tonnes of carbon over the next 75 years.

  • A 27 hectare mixed broadleaf woodland in the Hertfordshire countryside
  • Expected to remove 9,412 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere over the next 75 years
  • Species mix is made up of Alder, Oak, Hornbeam, Silver birch, Wild cherry, Willow, Hawthorn and Poplar
  • Woodland expected to harbour a particularly abundant wildlife habitat
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13,971 tonnes of CO₂e

Dumfries and Galloway

An ecologically-minded hill farmer is restoring the wildlife habitat across his land by planting 75 hectares of broadleaves, conifers and low-density native woodland on previously agricultural land.

  • 75 hectares of broadleaves, conifers and low-density native woodland
  • The woodland is expected to capture 13,971 tonnes of carbon over the next 65 years.
  • Species mix includes Silver birch, Aspen, Sycamore, Scots pine, Norway spruce, Downy birch.
  • Trees will provide shade to the water and a rich source of food to replenish the fish stocks.
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21,381 tonnes of CO₂e

Argyll and Bute

An environmentally-oriented forestry investor has planted a previously desolate Argyllshire hillside. The woodland now covers 69 hectares, bringing ecological and economic vitality to the area.

  • 69.2 hectares of woodland on an Argyllshire hillside
  • Woodland will capture 21,381 tonnes of carbon over the next 85 years
  • Species mix includes Birch, Sycamore, Oak, Sitka spruce, Rowan and Alder
  • Aims to restore the ecology on a previously bare tract of heavily-grazed moorland
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5,963 tonnes of CO₂e


A 13-hectare native broadleaf woodland on the edge of an Essex village capturing just under 6,000 tonnes of carbon and offering both access and a thriving wildlife habitat to the local community.

  • 13.7 hectares. The planting is split into two parcels of 1.4 hectares and 12.3 hectares
  • Woodland is expected to capture 5,963 tonnes of carbon over the next 85 years'
  • Species mix includes Common Oak, Hornbeam, Lime, Wild Cherry, Hawthorn, Scots Pine, Alder and Walnut
  • Aims to restore local ecology and provide better access for the local community
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4,110 tonnes of CO₂e

South Ayrshire

The site is classified as sensitive for forestry and this has been taken to account during the planning process and in the final forest design.

  • 34.4 ha
  • The project will plant over 80,000 trees across 34 hectares.
  • 4,110 tonnes of CO2 over 45 years
  • A mixture of Sitka spruce, mixed native broadleaves and a variety of other conifer species, including Scots pine.
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Pending Issuance Unit: A promise to deliver a Woodland Carbon Unit during a given period, based on the trees’ predicted growth Woodland Carbon Unit: A ton of carbon dioxide which has been sequestered in a scheme verified under the Woodland Carbon Code