Carbon Opportunities

Please browse through our range of woodland carbon projects. These vary broadly in size, species mix, location, biodiversity contribution and accessibility. We hope you will find a project which matches your needs. However, just get in touch if you would like to discuss your specific requirements.

Our latest Carbon Opportunities

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6,800 tonnes of CO₂e

Adstockfields Farm

A 22 hectare broadleaf woodland planted on a family farm for diversification, biodiversity and habitat creation, , community access and carbon sequestration in Buckinghamshire, England.

  • 22 Hectares at Adstockfields Farm, Buckingham
  • More than 46,000 trees were planted across three compartments on the farm.
  • The aim is to diversify the farmland through incorporating mixed broadleaf tree species alongside the existing farm business.
  • The farmer’s objectives are to diversify the business through incorporating woodlands onto the family run farm.
Learn more about this project  east


8,536 tonnes of CO₂e

Scottish Borders

Selco Builders Warehouse purchased the carbon credits generated by the project. As part of their sustainability journey Selco is addressing their carbon footprint through a variety of projects to be more environmentally friendly, particularly in relation to their transport system.

  • 43.16 ha
  • The project has planted over 100,000 trees across 43 hectares.
  • 8,563 tonnes of carbon over the next 100 years.
  • A broad mix of tree species that will grow a valuable crop of timber while also improving the site's ecology.
Learn more about this project  east


17,486 tonnes of CO₂e


Situated in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park, this ambitious project will use wholly natural and organic processes to enhance and expand Scotland’s ancient Caledonian Forest.

  • 170 hectares in the Cairngorms National Park
  • Within the North Rothiemurchus Pinewoods SSSI and the Cairngorms Special Area of Conservation
  • Aim is to expand the ancient pinewoods and develop a thriving wildlife habitat
  • Proceeds used to implement environmental improvements across their in-hand farm
Learn more about this project  east


9,412 tonnes of CO₂e


A 27 hectare mixed broadleaf woodland, 50 miles north of central London in the Hertfordshire countryside. The woodland is expected to capture 9,412 tonnes of carbon over the next 75 years.

  • A 27 hectare mixed broadleaf woodland in the Hertfordshire countryside
  • Expected to remove 9,412 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere over the next 75 years
  • Species mix is made up of Alder, Oak, Hornbeam, Silver birch, Wild cherry, Willow, Hawthorn and Poplar
  • Woodland expected to harbour a particularly abundant wildlife habitat
Learn more about this project  east


13,971 tonnes of CO₂e

Dumfries and Galloway

An ecologically-minded hill farmer is restoring the wildlife habitat across his land by planting 75 hectares of broadleaves, conifers and low-density native woodland on previously agricultural land.

  • 75 hectares of broadleaves, conifers and low-density native woodland
  • The woodland is expected to capture 13,971 tonnes of carbon over the next 65 years.
  • Species mix includes Silver birch, Aspen, Sycamore, Scots pine, Norway spruce, Downy birch.
  • Trees will provide shade to the water and a rich source of food to replenish the fish stocks.
Learn more about this project  east


21,381 tonnes of CO₂e

Argyll and Bute

An environmentally-oriented forestry investor has planted a previously desolate Argyllshire hillside. The woodland now covers 69 hectares, bringing ecological and economic vitality to the area.

  • 69.2 hectares of woodland on an Argyllshire hillside
  • Woodland will capture 21,381 tonnes of carbon over the next 85 years
  • Species mix includes Birch, Sycamore, Oak, Sitka spruce, Rowan and Alder
  • Aims to restore the ecology on a previously bare tract of heavily-grazed moorland
Learn more about this project  east


5,963 tonnes of CO₂e


A 13-hectare native broadleaf woodland on the edge of an Essex village capturing just under 6,000 tonnes of carbon and offering both access and a thriving wildlife habitat to the local community.

  • 13.7 hectares. The planting is split into two parcels of 1.4 hectares and 12.3 hectares
  • Woodland is expected to capture 5,963 tonnes of carbon over the next 85 years'
  • Species mix includes Common Oak, Hornbeam, Lime, Wild Cherry, Hawthorn, Scots Pine, Alder and Walnut
  • Aims to restore local ecology and provide better access for the local community
Learn more about this project  east


4,110 tonnes of CO₂e

South Ayrshire

The site is classified as sensitive for forestry and this has been taken to account during the planning process and in the final forest design.

  • 34.4 ha
  • The project will plant over 80,000 trees across 34 hectares.
  • 4,110 tonnes of CO2 over 45 years
  • A mixture of Sitka spruce, mixed native broadleaves and a variety of other conifer species, including Scots pine.
Learn more about this project  east

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Pending Issuance Unit: A promise to deliver a Woodland Carbon Unit during a given period, based on the trees’ predicted growth Woodland Carbon Unit: A ton of carbon dioxide which has been sequestered in a scheme verified under the Woodland Carbon Code