Blog & Case Studies

Our thoughts and considerations on all aspects of the carbon markets.

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Broadleaf Woodland Creation for Carbon Sequestration and Farm Diversification

Tilhill and CarbonStore, working closely with the landowner, designed and implemented the woodland creation plan, to help diversify the farm, sequester carbon and create community access.

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Expansion, Evolution and Improvement: The Market for Woodland Carbon

It has been interesting to watch the free hand of the market work its creative magic across the one for woodland carbon over the past 12 months.

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The benefits of farm diversification into Agroforestry

Land use is changing in the UK and the services rendered by our rural landscape will expand dramatically in coming years.  

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Podcast: Sustainable Forestry – Bringing the roots together

Heather Dinwoodie meets with David McCulloch, Head of CarbonStore at Tilhill, to discuss the challenges and opportunities of woodland creation and sustainable forest management.

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Sustainable tree planting for carbon sequestration, biodiversity and timber production

Tilhill and CarbonStore, working closely with the landowner, designed and implemented the woodland creation plan, which was sympathetic to the landscape and offered many benefits to biodiversity.

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McLaren and CarbonStore unite to unpack a sustainable future

Port Glasgow based company McLaren Packaging has invested in planting a second Scottish woodland, removing 6,000 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere through the duration of the project.

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How can your tree planting project link to Sustainable Development Goals?

These goals define the priorities and objectives for sustainable development initiatives, such as woodland creation, around the world.

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Supporting the Woodland Carbon Market

The Woodland Carbon Code can be complicated, but the development of the woodland carbon market also represents the evolution of a new and significant trend.

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What Exactly is CO₂e?

In practice, there are seven greenhouse gases (GHG) which the Kyoto Protocol identified as contributing to global warming. Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) is the most prevalent, accounting for 80% of GHG emissions.

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The Woodland Carbon Code: An Introduction

Launched by the Forestry Commission in 2011, it is operated by Scottish Forestry, the science underpinning its calculations has been developed by Forest Research and it is backed by the UK government.

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The UK Government’s Targets for Woodland Creation

With the government legally committed to achieving net zero emissions in the UK by 2050 and simultaneously conscious of the wider societal challenges, its 2019 manifesto also committed it to planting 30,000 hectares across the UK by 2025

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Productive Woodlands Must Play a Central Role in the Government’s Tree Planting Ambitions

Recent analysis by Forest Research, the Forestry Commission’s world-renowned research division, has highlighted an important shortcoming in the assumptions which underpin the current approach in calculating sequestration volumes by different types of woodland

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Capacity Issues in the Woodland Creation Supply Chain: Mitigating the Risks

Appreciation for Natural Capital is gathering momentum. The value of woodland carbon is rising.

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The ‘Carbon Skeleton’ of Natural Capital

When considering environmental enhancement, it can sometimes feel as though there are too many variables to juggle or prioritise to make the most significant impact possible with the resources at your disposal.

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Digging into the Details to Maximise Your Income

The intricacies of the Woodland Carbon Code present many potential pitfalls for landowners seeking to capitalise on their newly planted woodland’s carbon sequestration capacity.

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An Insight into Current Prices of Woodland Carbon Units

We market our carbon-related woodland schemes fairly and openly and we charge only a minor commission for arranging the transactions between landowners and companies.

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An Auspicious Moment for British Woodlands

The launch of CarbonStore provides sorely needed improvements to the services offered to both landowners and companies in the woodland carbon market.

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Pending Issuance Unit: A promise to deliver a Woodland Carbon Unit during a given period, based on the trees’ predicted growth Woodland Carbon Unit: A ton of carbon dioxide which has been sequestered in a scheme verified under the Woodland Carbon Code